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Everything changed. In the future it's easy to look back and say, "Why didn't you see that coming?"  Predicting the future is hard in the best of times but our brains are clearly designed to resolve patterns of data and the future is all about trajectory. I saw the future yesterday and I didn't like what I saw.


It's as if all the politicians are speaking in code. They provide devastating hints of what life looks like when the lock down ends. Expect waiters with masks, expect one-time use menus, require businesses to reconfigure to ensure 6 feet of separation or require employees to wear masks. And forget about going to a sporting event any time soon. We're told that it's not time but clearly there is some expectation setting to let us all know that even when we reopen, life will look very different. I've been processing what I heard long into the night last night. I don't think I've thought it all the way through yet, but a few things seem obvious now.


This isn't over until we have both a treatment and a vaccine. Short of these two steps which are likely over a year away, the virus will continue to live, travel and infect. So what does the world look like between now and then. Here's what my vision of the next year looks like as I sit here in the past:

Business will change. A year is a long time. No one is saying it will be a year. Some are suggesting it might be two years before we have the technology to return to normal. The prescription is not just 6 feet and masks and lots of get released we all need weekly testing, we probably have to sacrifice our medical privacy, we need teams of contact tracers throughout the country. China is making this work by scanning everyone, monitoring every move, and tracking health data plus who is contact with others. We'll all likely need a "health card" on our phones that let others know if we are safe and that require regular testing to stay "green." This is going to be a long and transformative era. There will be both good and bad as a result. More bad. We shall see.




Lego. I completed my third night of my 1200 piece Lego project. It's amazing to me that with 1200 pieces that they can do such a good job of quality control. The piece count is always perfect. Interestingly they give you a few extra pieces and I'm confident that this is planned and it's interesting which pieces they choose to give you extras of. Always the smallest pieces. Always one extra of each--never more. Only an extra for less than 5% of the pieces. Again, I'm amazed by the quality of the plastic, the precision of the manufacturing, the amazing simplicity and precision of the manual (there is not better instruction set). And yet I digress. I bring up Lego today because after three nights working on Lego while watching TV, I've invested about 4.5 hours into this project and I love the control that it provides at a time when we all have less control than we would like. The ability to create something that feels bigger than the individual pieces, is providing emotional strength at a time when it's in short supply.  I was enjoying this project so much that I went online to see what my next project might be and then I saw the gift I'm working on was $80 and I concluded that emotional strength is overrated.


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