Raise Gas Taxes
The Democrats are outraged by record high gasoline
prices and the likelihood that they might lead to "obscene" profits for oil
companies. The Republicans feign sympathy for consumers, acknowledging that
rising prices are troublesome. And at the same time, the rest of the world
looks at us with disbelief frozen on its collective face.
The fact is that Americans are wasteful when it comes to
energy. Big cars, long commutes and a disdain for public transportation
prove that point and the impact is more than just smog. Scientists now
proclaim with great certainty that global warming is a reality that at some
point my be irreversible and that humans' are the cause. And as world
economy grows, especially outside the United States, the trend is unlikely
to abate.
The United States needs to join the world community and
immediately affix a ridiculously high tax on every gallon of gasoline. A
regressive tax you say? Yes, it is. And Democrats are taught to hate such
things. But this is the only way to make a dent on our consumption
patterns. Voluntary conservation is just not going to happen any other way;
just ask the teenager driving the SUV who guns his guzzler in yet another
attempt to test his vehicle's ability to go zero to sixty as soon as the
light turns green. There is little motivation to drive with a soft foot or
consider gas mileage when purchasing a car.
The plan is quite simple although not what I would call a
platform either party will adopt:
Create a $2 a
gallon federal tax (and then we'll have prices similar to Japan, England
and other countries).
Use the new
revenue to aggressively fund transportation infrastructure development.
We need smarter roads and better public transportation.
In the short-run
this will create pain for many. It will add cost to every business with a
delivery component. But look at where we'll save. We'll save our
environment. We'll minimize the need to use our military might to defend oil
reserves in far away places. We'll save time in our commutes, because there
will be fewer people on the road. We'll reduce our dependency on fossil fuel
by creating a huge financial motivation for alternative (and cleaner) energy
industries. This is the right long-term strategy.
I smile when I
see higher gas prices because I'm absolutely convinced that it is the only
way to get this society on the right track.
April 25,
© Greg
Harris, 2006