Old Fogey
I promised myself I would never become an
Old Fogey. I remember all to clearly the Old Fogey's of my youth.
"You shouldn't wear pants with holes in
the knees."
"Your hair is too long, you look like a
"What's that music you are listening to?"
"Where did you learn to speak like that?"
Unfortunately during my youth the Old Fogeys
in my life didn't realize just how cool I was. I promised myself I wouldn't
become the same Old Fogey. But it didn't take too long before the Fogey
disease starts to slowly take control of my entire body.
At first I didn't know what was happening. I
started by hating that grunge look and the music that went along with it. I
quickly concluded that I wasn't an Old Fogey but that no good music had
been recorded since 1985. Fact was fact.
I found myself thinking things like "...kids
these days..." When I analyzed what was different between my youth and kids
these days I frequently had to acknowledge that Old Fogey-ism was quickly
taking over my body.
I don't want to be Fogey. I certainly want
my kids to think I'm cool. Or at least I want them to think they are cooler
than I ever thought I was at their age. But I got a rude awakening that this
may be virtually impossible.
On Saturday we we were at an amusement park
and I snapped the picture below. Note that in order to NOT be an Old Fogey
you must come to learn to appreciate that the jeans should be worn well
BELOW the butt crack at all times. Resist all temptation to pull the pants
up. I'm still trying to figure out how one keeps the pants from falling
down altogether!
Only two and half years before I have
teenagers in the house. I'm starting to lose sleep.