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Blog Update. I came to the conclusion that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will this blog continue into 2021. It could end much sooner but I realized that I would have to create a new folder and that frankly just seemed like too much work.


Armageddon Update. My prediction of military action hasn't taken place. The "cards" we see being played with just two weeks to go seem minor by comparison. Calling Dr. Fauci names or getting worked up about an email on Biden's son's laptop are simply not what I would consider to be a true October surprise. This could change if China was do Trump a big favor and attack Taiwan before the election. That would most certainly benefit Trump in the closing days.


The Darkest Days are Ahead. That's the prediction I'm hearing and the early data supports that both inside the US and outside. I read that in Germany they are creating government grants to upgrade air circulation within public indoor spaces. How smart. Shouldn't that be something we invest in as well? The darkest days ahead and yet we seem to have all of our eggs in one basket. We learned today that any vaccine would need to be refrigerated essentially insuring that the virus will continue to thrive in the planet's 3 billion people without direct access to refrigeration. The darkest days may be ahead but the people making the investment decisions keep saying "we're turning the corner" and it certainly appears that despite the data many agree. Trump joked that if he lost he may have to leave the country. I sort of feel the same way about me if he wins. I've seen a couple of things that suggest we are seeing signs that Trump may come "roaring" back. I spend a lot of time reading lots of poll results (too much time in fact) and I just don't see it. In fact I'm struggling to understand how anyone could vote for him. I just hope people are brave and strong enough to cast their vote.




Fetal Tissue. The vaccine candidates seem to all have fetal cells from an abortion at their core. To be fair it was one abortion decades ago that have been regenerated and is used throughout science. Well, I think we just figured out how to prioritize who gets the vaccine first. If you are for making abortions illegal then I'm not sure how you can reasonably think that this vaccine is for you.


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