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25th Amendment. If the headline includes the 25th Amendment less than 30 days before election day, it's never a good thing. And yet that's what we are talking about. Pelosi is putting forward a bill to "clarify" the process for removing an incapacitated president from office. Personally, I think this president has exposed numerous weaknesses in our process. This president has too much power and too many ways to avoid/delay the oversight that's needed. I'm fine hampering future presidents from both parties from ignoring the collective knowledge in favor of a single individual's perception of reality. Wondering if the straightjacket will match the mask.




I drove to work today. I stepped foot in the office for the first time six months. It was like one of those movies where everyone dies but the scene is frozen in time. The white boards have the same stuff on them. The Q1 goals still very clear. There were Valentine's Day decorations that should have been taken down in February that were still up. As I walked through the office and collected the few things I was there to collect, I saw a white board in the break room that predicted our future so clearly. I didn't seem to notice it back in March but I noticed it now. See below.



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