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2%. The virus numbers are crying for attention. 7 million total cases in the US, we just passed 15,000 dead in California, and we are on the precipice of 200,000 in the US. While these are all huge numbers that frankly just stun, it's easy to lose perspective. These numbers are actually small. Only about 2% of people in this country have tested positive. I know friends of friends but no one directly. An even tinier percentage have died. In a "normal" year we might expect 2.8 million people to die so we are looking at a something as modest as a ten percent change. One person's percentage is another's family. This is all very scary and some believe that we'll hit 400,000 deaths in what remains of 2020. Even so when our president says we should expect "herd mentality" (sic) these numbers would have to climb into the 80%+ range to even begin to achieve that. That's 40x more than where we are. That's 8 million more deaths. We have yet to scratch the surface despite leading the world in infections.




Zoom Party. I attended an 83rd birthday party over Zoom last night. It's nice to "see" people but this is a far cry from anything resembling a normal gathering. There is one conversation and no ability to break out and have one on one discussions. Interrupting is difficult and the format is awkward. And yet, it was a chance to celebrate 83 years.


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