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Greg Harris is no longer impressed when he sees a truck that proudly displays on the door that it is "Radio Dispatched."


Greg Harris wonders why it is that whenever I call any support number I ALWAYS hear, "Due to unusually high call volumes your wait time may be longer than normal..." I've got news for you, it's time to rethink what you mean by NORMAL!


Greg Harris is more than a little pissed that his his spam email subject lines have evolved from "russian brides" to offers to join the "hip replacement legal action" group.


Greg Harris is angry that the small fonts seem to keep getting smaller.


Greg Harris is laughing at Seinfeld like's it's 1993.


Greg Harris learned that the "low tire pressure" light can come on because the the spare tire has low pressure.


Greg Harris baseball has been bery bery good to me.


Greg Harris has old memories and young hopes.


Greg Harris isn't sure what the fuss is about his son getting dressed for his "80s dance"...apparently dressing like your father is just too painful!


Greg Harris hates it when people don't cash his checks in a timely fashion.


Greg Harris wonders why it is that after a football game the opposing coaches shake hands but they ignore each other in baseball games.


Greg Harris ‎" these days men have learned the art of sinning expertly and genteelly, so as not to shock the eyes and senses of respectable society."


Greg Harris Hmm. New cell phone battery costs $49.99 from ATT and $3.67 from Amazon (includung shipping). What should I do?


Greg Harris found three bad charges on one credit card statement today...a new personal best!


Greg Harris wonders why little girls spend so much of their time screaming?


Greg Harris just put up new shelves that have been sitting in the garage since 2004


Greg Harris The result of trickle down economics is an economy without a middle


Greg Harris is having a junior mint moment


November 22, 2010

© Greg Harris, 2010

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