So where are we know? I think we have a horse
race, but it's one of those horse races on a muddy track with crap flying
everywhere and it's hardly as much fun as you might think. Everyone loves a
comeback. John McCain did it. Why shouldn't we root for Hillary to do the
same? I certainly did during last week's election cycle.

So she goes young (appeared on John Stewart and SNL) and she goes negative (Obama
apparently sleeps through ringing phones at night like I do) and Obama slips
(someone on his team caught speaking out of two sides of their mouth on
Nafta) and she pulls out a win. Sort of reminds me of that American Idol
site that encourages people to vote for the worst performers each
week...remember when Sanjaya's stay was extended well beyond his talent. So
why are we voting for Hillary? Are others like me that they like the drama
of it all? They don't want the battle to be over?
So we have a horse race. But committed delegates alone won't do it. Florida
and Michigan are rattling the cage. Barack and Hillary are spending money to
beat each other up while McCain is raising money. Florida and Michigan want
someone to pay for a new primary, but theoretically that money would have to
come out of some Democratic hide that would otherwise be used for bashing
The Super Delegates who haven't committed aren't quite sure what to do. They
could cast a vote that reflects the popular vote, or the primary vote
(because caucuses under represent), or the person who is the strongest
against McCain, or the person who can deliver the battle ground states. Or
maybe employ some voodoo math before casting their vote.
This is anything but boring. If it weren't so damned important I might be
enjoying every minute.