Jerry Lewis Can Wait!
I was fortunate enough to have been invited to a function
and found myself seated next to the famous Jerry Lewis. We were talking about
all his work for the Muscular Dystrophy Assn. and I found the conversation
fascinating. Within a few moments there was a commotion off in another part of
the banquet hall that distracted both of us. And then I realized I really had to
take a pee. And then I woke up.
I did my standard nighttime march to the bathroom doing my best to keep my eyes half shut and body more asleep than awake while I sought some relief. While my conversation with Jerry quickly evaporated, the commotion didn't. In fact it got louder. There were lots of F-bombs and yelling in an otherwise silent neighborhood.
I finished my business and checked the clock. 2:50 AM. I walked around the house trying to determine where the noise was coming from. San Carlos was enjoying a heavy heavy wet fog that made it easy to see the beam from the nearby street light, but not much else. The shouting got louder.
Eve and the boys were now awake. Eve handed me the phone and told me to dial 911. I did. "There's a significant commotion outside my house," I reported. As I did my best Mrs. Cravitts peak through the curtains, the dispatcher asked, "do you see police out there right now?" I said I couldn't see much of anything. I was assured the situation was under control, but it wasn't.
My wife would have preferred that I retreat to our safe room (doesn't exist) and I wanted to walk out to the front of my house. We compromised and I set up an observation post in Kevin's room. I had a view of a shirtless guy who was lit by a phalanx of flashlights. The shouting continued and while the suspect was liberal with the F-bombs, the police were making most of the noise as they tried to gain control of the situation. At one point between fire, ambulance and police, there were 25 people in front of our house. Things settled down. I slept in Kevin's room and yet their was activity until at least 4:30.
So what happened? I called the police and said I was concerned about the safety of the neighborhood and wanted to know what happened. I was told that it didn't concern me and that there was nothing to tell. Then my wife called me and said that there were officers combing the neighborhood and that one had asked for permission to search our property for a weapon!
I told my wife to find out what had happened and to use all of her extensive Mrs. Cravitts skills (neighbor on Bewitched TV show). She was able to conclude that a neighbor's teenage son had an altercation with some other people and it turned violent. The teen suffered a head wound (and left plenty of blood on the street). Apparently both of the teen's parents work in law enforcement. Despite its proximity, this is one of the few neighbors we don't know. Still lots of holes in the whole story. We aren't sure exactly if this is something that should cause continued concern. I have every confidence, however, that Eve will learn more!
I need a nap.
January 11, 2008
© Greg Harris, 2008
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